Hi everyone!

Under this heading («Writings») I present my philosophy, opinion and point of view on those topics that attract and concern me:

  • negatively, because I am worried the way mankind is going along;
  • positively, because I am convinced that, in time, we will know how to amend our mistakes.

These meditations will sometimes generate a shorter or longer article which I will present complete on their corresponding page; but, some other times, they will produce a whole book. In this cases I will present (on their corresponding page) just some excerpt of it.

The books I have written so far are:

Link to: MorphogenyHysterical HistoryRelationsKarmic Biography

Whoever feels interested in having the entire book, and don’t want to be aware of copying, may ask me for a complete copy of it, either digital or physical. Each book page will indicate how to get it and what would be its price both in physical and digital format.

Enter in the corresponding pages and I hope you will feel moved enough to write me any comments, both: pros and cons; no laurels (I am not important, what matters is humanity’s health) the goal is to fine-tuning approaches for eliminating the superfluous, the artificial, the imposed, the fanaticism, the closed-minded and so many other positions that are doing so much harm.

4 comentarios en “Writings

  1. Dear Pablo, I know the shortened version of your ‘Boy and Girl’ story is not your original version yet it has such an impact and is so delightful. I would love to publish it but would not like to offend you in any way. Do you have a short version that you are happy for me to publish? I have a magazine called Holistica and i think it would be very beneficial to my readers. Kindly let me know if this is a possibility. Much gratitude. Robyn

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  2. I would like to include the morphogeny story of the twin babies talking in the mother’s womb in my book, «Pregnancy is a Real Mother» published by Xlibris.

    Me gusta

    1. Please, confirm me if you’re asking me for permission to introduce the whole story “Boy and Girl” which is in my book “Morphogeny” or you’re asking to introduce just the tiny resume surfing all over the Web.
      Depending of which you wish to use I’ll tell you what details to have in mind.
      Thank you

      Me gusta

    2. Please, confirm me if you’re asking me for permission to introduce the whole story “Boy and Girl” which is in my book “Morphogeny” or you’re asking to introduce just the tiny resume surfing all over the Web.
      Depending of which you wish to use I’ll tell you what details to have in mind.
      Thank you

      Me gusta

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