(Thoughts on connections with oneself, others and beyond‏‏)


How to deal with oneself, with others, with the possible beyond.

Understand and attend the messages that our brain sends us.

Psychosomatic diseases

Know yourself and others

Body language


The Father, Adult and Child states that are within all of us

The roles we play in the tragicomedy of our lives

Couple relations

Children, Leadership, Politics

Relationship with the divine, the esoteric, other dimensions

An interesting, varied and formative reading at many levels; seasoned with good humour and the wisdom of popular proverbs.

Book with a single reading and a subsequent and continuous consulting to remember interesting things that the daily living makes us forget but that we need to remember constantly.

Purpose of this book and its Introduction

Let’s read Relations 9-11; Relations 12-14

A piece of «Relations» within the theme about old age and death: The Eagle 

I deeply regret that, for the moment, I can offer you nothing but the Spanish version. Relaciones

Unfortunately, I don’t have the money to afford the translation and printing in English of this book.

From the micro plagiarism that a Latin American guy in the United States made of my story «Chico y Chica» and has been translated to 14 languages and shared worldwide, many people have written to me wondering where they can buy «Morphogeny», the English version of «Morfogenia», also wishing  to know the other short stories included in that book.

But equally, many people have felt interested about the English version of the rest of my books so far: the essays «Histérica Historia” (Hysterical History) and «Relaciones” (Relations); and also about my novel «Biografía Kármica» (Karmic Biography).

I’m not asking you for a donation, but an investment in the idea that as soon as I get to translate and print those books, I will send to you a copy in English of your chosen book, discounting a 30% of its price and discounting the amount you had already sent to me specified with next button. Thank you.

Donate Button with Credit Cards

* The price of “Relations” is €16.00; but for donators will be €11.20 minus the previous amount given hereby.

In the event that the amount donated is greater than that price, the difference will be considered as a generous contribution of aid, which we appreciate in advance.

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